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Groups are one of the key ways we connect with each other, grow in faith, make friends, and do life together.

Groups are gatherings of people who meet weekly or fortnightly during term time across Fiveways and Hollingdean to worship, pray and read the Bible together.

We would love to help you connect into a Group at St Matthias. Have a look and sign up to one of our groups below, and we'll be in touch with the details.

Go! Group

We are a group passionate about growing community and moving through life together, meeting weekly for small group and for socials. Join us fortnightly in Hollingdean for a relaxed meeting to chat, pray and process the weeks' teaching together, and for socials on the alternate weeks.


Preston Park Group

We meet each week near Preston Park to share life and grow in our love for Jesus by reading scripture and praying together. This group welcomes anyone keen to dig deeper into the Bible.


'Discovery' Group, Patcham

We meet fortnightly at Gordon & Kat's house in Patcham. We simply create an intentional space for the spirit to move through scripture, our conversations and dessert!

Meets weekly on Tuesdays at 19:45pm

 The Osborne Road Group

We gather fortnightly to enjoy a selection of tasty treats, to share wisdom on following Jesus, to take inspiration from the Bible on living well, and to listen, pray for and support one another through life‘s ups and downs.

Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays at 8pm

 Time Out Together

TIME OUT TOGETHER” (TOT’s) meet from 10.00 until 12.00 every Friday in the church hall. It is an opportunity for the more mature members of our community to meet and to invite friends and neighbours along, especially those who live alone. The meetings alternate between “social gatherings” for coffee, quizzes, games or a “singalong” led by Sue. All are welcome.    

Meets Weekly on friday's at 10am

  Way Out West

Way Out West is a group for those who live in the Hove, Portslade and Shoreham area. This group meets to eat, share life and go deeper by learning from one another and praying together. If you’d like to get plugged in with new friendships and go deeper in your faith, then this is the group for you!


 Connect Group

Want to join a group but finding it impossible to make the time juggle work? We know there are seasons in life when it is hard to physically make connections, so this is your chance to connect in a light touch way. Join our whatsapp chat for half an hour, fortnightly, to get the chance to watch the groups video and share some quick thoughts and prayer time together.

Join our whatsapp chat FORTNIGHTLY on tuesdays at 8pm

For more information about Groups please email: