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The Bible is an extraordinary collection of writings—poetry, history, letters, and stories—spanning centuries and cultures. It’s a gift that invites us to encounter Jesus and to see our lives in the light of God’s story. At St. Matthias, we believe engaging with Scripture is not about simply acquiring information, but about formation—allowing its wisdom and beauty to shape our hearts, guide our lives, and draw us closer to Christ. 

Scripture has the power to reframe how we see the world and our place within it. Through practices like Bible study, Lectio Divina, memorisation and meditation, we can discover fresh insights, wrestle with its complexities, and find ourselves transformed. 

Whether you’re new to the Bible, returning after years away, or navigating questions and doubts, this Spiritual Practice is an invitation to inhabit the story of Scripture and encounter the God of the Bible. 

Explore the resources below to engage with this practice in meaningful ways and join us as we read, reflect, and grow together.



 What is the Bible? 

  • What is the story of the Bible? 
  • How to Read the Bible Wisely 
  • How to Read the Bible Meditatively 
  • Facing Our Fears and Frustrations with Scripture 



A Guide to Meditative Reading Practices

Engaging with Scripture is not just about learning or studying—it’s about encountering God and being transformed in God’s presence. Meditative reading practices help us slow down, reflect, and open our hearts to what God might say through the Bible. Clark shares a practical guide to help anyone wanting to explore meditative reading practices

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth - Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart

A classic guide to understanding the Bible’s various genres, contexts, and messages. Ideal for those seeking practical tools to read Scripture with clarity and confidence.

Shaped by the Word: The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation - M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

This book explores how Scripture is not just meant to be read, but to shape and transform us. A helpful guide for anyone looking to integrate the Bible into their spiritual growth journey.

New Testament for Everyone Commentaries - Tom Wright

A clear, accessible commentary series unpacking the meaning of New Testament texts. Written with both depth and simplicity, it’s perfect for anyone wanting to dive deeper into the historical and spiritual context of the New Testament.

Eat This Book: The Art of Spiritual Reading - Eugene Peterson

Peterson invites readers into a transformative approach to Scripture, emphasising reading with both mind and heart. A profound exploration of how the Bible can nourish and shape us.

Surprised by Scripture - N.T. Wright

A collection of essays that challenges readers to see Scripture in new ways, tackling contemporary questions through the lens of biblical faith.

The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story - Craig Bartholomew & Michael Goheen

A compelling and academic overview of the Bible as one cohesive narrative of God’s work in the world, helping readers find their place in the story.



The Bible Project

A visually engaging and theologically rich resource offering videos, articles, and guides to help you explore the story and themes of the Bible in a fresh, accessible way.

Scripture Course by Practicing the Way

A comprehensive online resource providing tools and teaching to help you develop rhythms of engaging with Scripture as a central spiritual practice.

Bible Hub

A rich resource for studying Scripture, Bible Hub offers a wide array of tools, including multiple translations, commentaries, concordances, and interlinear texts. Perfect for anyone wanting to dive deeper into the meaning and context of the Bible, whether for personal study or preparation for teaching.



The Bible Project Podcast

An in-depth companion to the Bible Project videos, this podcast explores biblical themes, literary design, and theological questions in accessible and engaging ways.

Exploring My Strange Bible - Tim Mackie

Tim Mackie, co-founder of The Bible Project, shares thought-provoking teachings and reflections on Scripture, designed to deepen understanding and spark curiosity.

The Bible for Normal People - Pete Enns & Jared Byas

This podcast offers honest and often humorous discussions about how to read the Bible in ways that are both scholarly and accessible, addressing common questions and challenging assumptions about Scripture.



Lectio 365

A daily devotional app that helps you reflect, pray, and meditate on Scripture in a structured and accessible way. Ideal for developing a consistent rhythm of engaging with the Bible.

YouVersion Bible App

A highly versatile app offering a wide range of Bible translations, reading plans, and devotional resources. It’s perfect for daily Scripture reading, bookmarking verses, and exploring the Bible at your own pace.

 Missed any talks? All our talks are available as podcasts.
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